Your Summer Entertaining Cleaning Guide

4th of July Nontoxic Cleaning Guide

After a long winter, and over a year and a half since the start of a global pandemic, outdoor summer gatherings are as refreshing as an ice-cold popsicle! We’ve all developed some great cleaning and disinfecting habits over the last 2 years and keeping up with those is a good thing – as long as we’re using non-toxic cleaning products. Unfortunately, many conventional cleaning products, even those that are labeled “natural” can contain some extremely toxic ingredients (as damaging to our health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day!) and are becoming considered a public health hazard. This is particularly concerning when used around children, whose small size and developing bodies make them more vulnerable to the toxic ingredients of these products. From July 4th celebrations through Labor Day weekend and beyond, we’re proud to help families prep for and clean up after summer gatherings without exposing their families to harmful products using our super-effective 3-in-1 cleaner, sanitizer, and disinfectant. Here’s how!

Top 3 Ways Force of Nature Is Your Summer Entertaining Secret Weapon

1. Getting Grimy Stuff CLEAN

Whether you’ve got grimy outdoor furniture and accessories or long-stored lobster pots and other summertime party gear that hasn’t seen the light of day in a while, the first step is to clean. Cleaning the surface gets rid of any residue and provides a blank slate for a disinfectant to go to work. If there’s soil on a surface, it’s harder for the disinfectant to come into contact with the full surface and it won’t be as effective. For a deep dive, check out this helpful article on the differences between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. And remember, cleaning does not have germ-killing requirements by the Environmental Protection Agency, but a product that is considered a disinfectant is, and has to go through testing to be registered as one. Best of all: Force of Nature is gentle enough to be used on virtually any surface, even natural stone like marble, so you can clean and effectively disinfect without worrying about etching or damaging the surface.

Ready to clean? Here are some of the outdoor and party items that Force of Nature can help you get spic and span!

• Beverage Tubs
• Outdoor Furniture
• Outdoor Cushions, Pillows, and Hammocks
• Outdoor rugs and carpets
• Coolers
• Pool Rafts and Toys
• Goggles, Masks, Flippers, and Snorkels
• Kiddie Pools
• Pretty much anything else!

2. Treating Stubborn Stains

Once you hand out the popsicles, you’re really throwing caution to the wind! If you want to keep your outdoor pillows and fabrics free of sugary accent colors, we’re here to help: Force of Nature is a powerful stain treatment and deodorizer! From food and drink spills to pet stains, mold, or mildew, start by saturating the fabric with Force of Nature and then rubbing with a soft cloth or brush to remove the stain. Let it dry, then wash as the item according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For pet stains, letting Force of Nature dry completely will help remove the odor and can help discourage future repeat visits from your furry friends! Always test items for colorfastness before using any stain remover to ensure the dyes used were truly colorfast.

3. Being Your Grill Buddy

Nothing says Fourth of July or, really, summer entertaining, like a cookout! Before you fire up the grill, check out these simple ways Force of Nature has you covered. It’s a broad-spectrum EPA-registered sanitizer and disinfectant that kills 99.9% of germs when used as directed and is included on the EPA’s List N, the list of disinfectants approved for use against Covid-19 – but it is also gentle enough to be used as a fruit and veggie rinse! It’s particularly important not to use conventional cleaning products and disinfectants that contain ingredients like bleach and quats (quaternary ammonium compounds) because these harmful chemicals can linger on surfaces and be absorbed on skin, or in food prep situations, be ingested – yikes! These ingredients are so dangerous that the American Lung Association recommends not using products that contain bleach and quats around people who suffer from allergies and asthma because it can trigger or exacerbate these conditions.

Luckily, Force of Nature uses a gentle, yet effective disinfecting active ingredient: Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is the same solution created by your body to fight infection. Hypochlorous acid has been used in medical applications for decades, including wound care, veterinary medicine, dermatology, and ophthalmology, and earns the highest possible rating in Mayo Clinic’s allergy rating system. So you can feel good about using Force of Nature on food prep surfaces between uses to keep sickness-causing bacteria at bay, including on these hard surfaces:

• Counters and Butcher Blocks
• Utensils
• Grill Grates, Covers, and Knobs
• Tongs and Spatulas
• Cutting Boards

Invite Us To Your Next Summer Bash!

We’re excited to spend time with friends and family this summer, and are honored to be a part of how you will gather for fun in the sun! From a small soiree to a backyard bash, there are so many uses for our powerful 3-in-1 cleaning product and powerful EPA-registered disinfectant that kills 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, and germs – all without harmful or toxic chemicals, fragrances, or perfumes. Start here to grab your starter kit and to learn more about Force of Nature.

Shop for toxin-free & sustainable cleaning swaps from Force of Nature

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  • Extra Value Bundle from Force of NatureForce of Nature Extra Value Bundle comes with 25 capsules

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