10 Clever Cleaning Tips With Force of Nature

chemical free cleaning tips

Attention Clean-Freaks (we mean that with the utmost admiration, we promise)!  You already know the obvious ways to use Force of Nature, but now you might be ready for the AP class.  We’ve got very inventive customers and are constantly testing out new applications ourselves.  In our humble opinion, here are the most clever & surprising chemical free cleaning tips for Force of Nature that you might never have thought of.

Chemical Free Cleaning Tips

  1. Furniture & rugs: You wish you could turn the clock back 10 seconds but there it is.  The red wine spill on the rug or the grape juice splash on the chair. Blot the spill, spray Force of Nature, then wipe (repeat if necessary). It cleans as well as Resolve and won’t remove color like bleach does. Just test in an inconspicuous spot first to ensure the fibers are colorfast.
  2. Thermoses, straw cups & sippy cups:  These have lots of nooks & crannies where old liquids can fester, but most can’t go into the dishwasher.  Spray thoroughly, shake, empty and let dry naturally without rinsing.
  3. Fresh cut flowers: Add a few ounces of Force of Nature to the vase of water to keep those blooms beautiful longer.
  4. Clean clothing spills on-the-go: Diaper leak at the park in the SECOND onesie?  Ice cream all over her favorite t-shirt?  Just spray with Force of Nature as soon as you can, then wipe and repeat until the stain is gone.  Like with any stain remover, the sooner you treat it, the better your results will be.
  5. Sponges:  These might be some of the nastiest items in your house because they stay damp and are used to wipe so many gross surfaces. Spray your sponge or scrubber daily with Force of Nature.
  6. Bath toys: These are also full of nooks & crannies that host icky old water & soap scum. Just spray bath toys regularly to keep them squeaky clean– no need to rinse. This is one of our favorite chemical free cleaning tips from a customer.
  7. Hands & doorknobs: Only 5% of people wash their hands property after using the restroom, according to report in the Journal of Environmental Health. Even more disturbing, 10% of people skipped washing their hands altogether. If you’re on-the-go without access to soap & water, Force of Nature is safe to spray on little hands & nasty doorknobs.
  8. Cars:  It’s okay to admit it that your car is a sanctuary for crumbs, muddy paws & stuck on spills that might even be growing. Force of Nature is great for deodorizing and cleaning all the surfaces in your car.
  9. The fridge: Clean stuck-on messes & odors.
  10. Humidifiers:  Talk about an impossible to clean item that really needs to be clean!  After each use, empty the humidifier, spray in Force of Nature, shake it around, empty, then let air dry without rinsing.

Happy Cleaning!

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