Electrolyzed Water For Cleaning & Disinfecting: How it Works

electrolyzed water

The scoop on using electrolyzed water for cleaning

Electrolyzed water is a simple technology that’s been in the industrial space for 50+ years, used for applications including green cleaning & disinfecting, produce preservation, dental, wound healing, eye care and veterinary care products. It uses electricity to change the chemical structure of salt, water & vinegar into a cleaner as effective as bleach, but with no toxic chemicals. It’s so gentle that no gloves or rinsing are needed. Really! It’s a technology that’s been used for years in the industrial space to create a potent cleaner, deodorizer and disinfectant. For example, hospitals in the United States and Japan use electrolyzed water for its efficacy & gentleness.

Electrolyzed water for cleaning: how it’s made

In its simplest form, the technology uses an electrical current to change the molecular structure of salt, water and vinegar into 2 new ingredients. You can learn how the electrolyzed water chemistry works in this little video:

To recap, when an electrical charge is passed through the salt (NaCl) solution, the sodium separates from the chloride. Chloride is negatively charged & is attracted to the positive side of the electrical charge where it bonds with oxygen and hydrogen from the water. It gets converted from Cl- to HOCl or hypochlorous acid. This is the same substance your white blood cells produce to fight infection. Yes you caught that right – hypochlorous acid is your immune system’s first line of defense, and if you happen to be in a public restroom or nursery school right now, your body is making it as you read this! Hypochlorous acid is even being used in the South Korean “clean zones” in the fight against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19.

The sodium is positive and thus attracted to the negative charge, where it bonds with oxygen and hydrogen and is electrochemically converted to sodium hydroxide or NaOH. Sodium hydroxide is a common detergent used at different concentrations in products ranging from toothpaste to moisturizer to cleaning products.

The vinegar is used to achieve the right pH of the solution. It’s the pH that determines whether the solution is predominantly bleach (get your face mask & gloves) or instead hypochlorous acid (no hazmat suit needed). The pH also determines whether the solution is at the right concentration of hypochlorous acid to meet EPA requirements to be registered as a disinfectant that kills 99.9% of germs.

Why you can’t buy electrolyzed water in stores

You might be wondering why you haven’t found bottles of electrolyzed water on store shelves. The reason is that just like bubbles in carbonated drinks, hypochlorous acid dissipates over time. That means a bottle of electrolyzed water sitting on a shelf or in a warehouse would lose its efficacy in just a couple of weeks. That’s one of the top reasons it’s only been used in the industrial space, where it’s made in large tanks and used up on site. The other reason you haven’t seen it is those industrial size tanks and the $10,000+ price point for buying the equipment.

How to make electrolyzed water for cleaning & disinfecting

At Force of Nature we’ve miniaturized this industrial-grade technology to fit your countertop and your wallet, so you can use electrolyzed water for cleaning & disinfecting your own home or business. Our little appliance uses electricity to convert tap water, plus a capsule of salt, water and vinegar, into a powerful multipurpose cleaner, deodorizer and disinfectant that’s as effective as bleach yet free from harmful chemicals. It’s actually the only EPA registered disinfectant you can make on your kitchen countertop and makes a hospital-grade disinfectant that kills 99.9% of germs. It’s even on EPA’s list N, the disinfectants approved for use against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19. And good news, the EPA expects all products on List N to kill all strains and variants of SARS-CoV-2. Force of Nature is EPA registered for sanitizing and disinfecting hospitals, ICUs, nursing homes, veterinary clinics, schools, daycares, restaurants, hotels, gyms and more.

We created Force of Nature because we believe you shouldn’t have to choose between what works and what’s gentle to people and our planet. Questions? You might want to compare electrolyzed water vs bleach, learn the about how Force of Nature actually works, or learn more about the wide range of hypochlorous acid uses. Or, you can learn all about our Force of Nature Starter Kit and what comes with it.

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