On-Demand Disinfecting For Your Bathroom, With Force of Nature

We think we’re all on the same page when it comes to really wanting our bathrooms to be clean. Throw in a pandemic and flu season and it’s even more important that we’re both cleaning and disinfecting effectively. Sadly, conventional bathroom cleaners can contain all kinds of scary chemicals that are linked to adverse health effects. And, with disinfectant shortages through 2021, it’s even more important that you have an effective, family-friendly disinfectant on hand! Here’s how you can whip up a batch of disinfectant on demand when you use Force of Nature to keep your bathroom clean and disinfected, too.

Choosing A Bathroom Disinfectant

First things first: it’s important to know the difference between cleaning and disinfecting. We go into this in detail in this blog post, but the net-net is that you should clean first to remove any residue, so you can expose the maximum amount of surface to the disinfectant.

When it comes to disinfectants, these products are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure that they kill specific germs to a specific level and have proven to do so in rigorous testing. Always follow the instructions on the label to ensure the product is designed to fight the right germs for the job and that you’re using it effectively (and safely). While you don’t have to worry about this with Force of Nature, with other products it is important to wear protective gear like gloves and eye protection if advised on the label.

Finally, if you are concerned about killing the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, check out the EPA’s List N, the list of disinfectants (including Force of Nature!) that are approved for use against SARS-CoV-2.

How To Clean & Disinfect Your Bathroom With Force of Nature

1. Bathroom Surfaces

Whether you went with that reliable Swedish standby or a hand-selected marble, you can use Force of Nature to clean all your bathroom countertops and sealed stonework without fear of etching or corrosion.

2. Faucets and Trim Kits

You can use Force of Nature to clean and disinfect your sink, tub and shower faucets and handles, shower door handles, and any surrounding trim. Due to these being high-touch areas, and the dampness in bathrooms, it’s a good idea to give them a wipe down frequently.

3. Bathtubs and Shower Tile and Grout

There’s just something kind of gross about tubs! Feel good about yours by giving it a solid spray down with Force of Nature and then waiting a few seconds before scrubbing away any residue. Between uses, you can always spray down your tub or shower pan with Force of Nature and let it air dry to kill germs and bacteria left behind after bath time. Force of Nature is also an excellent grout cleaner! For stubborn stains, let it sit for a little bit and then enlist some baking soda and elbow grease to get grout sparkling like new.

4. Bath Toys

Where you would want to be super careful to rinse anything your children are going to touch after using a conventional disinfectant, you don’t have to worry about that with Force of Nature. Our main ingredient, hypochlorous acid, is the same substance created by your own immune system to fight infection. You can spray it directly on that ducky — who, by the way, is a total germ-trap-nightmare! Give those bath toys a good spray down with Force of Nature a few times a week and, with the squirty ones, suck up a little solution into the toy and swish it around for added germ-kill!

5. Toilet & Toilet Handle

Let’s not go into why the toilet and surrounding area always seem to need cleaning but instead cut to the solution: Force of Nature! Give that toilet seat and handle a frequent spray with Force of Nature. You can also spray the bowl, under the seat and tank, and let it air dry. Force of Nature is gentle enough to be kind to any parts that come into contact with it.

6. Floor Tile

A refillable spray mop and a canister of Force of Nature are our secret weapons for handling all the messes a bathroom can throw at you (refer back to the toilet section!). Spray down the floor with Force of Nature and mop with a reusable microfiber cloth as-needed. With no need to rinse, this set up makes it so convenient you can do so more frequently, which helps cut down on germs tracked in and out of the bathroom on feet and shoes.

7. Toothbrushes

There are definitely some germs you’d rather not think about in the bathroom air and they can land on our toothbrush bristles. Spray down your toothbrushes daily with Force of Nature to kill gross germs and bacteria. Just spray, shake off any extra liquid and let them dry – no rinsing necessary!

8. Makeup Brushes

Spray your makeup brushes with Force of Nature and lay them flat to air dry to reduce germs and bacteria that can build up in the bristles. These bacteria can cause skin breakouts, so it’s a good idea to do this frequently. More good news: Force of Nature is certified 100% skin-safe and best for sensitive skin by SkinSAFE, Mayo Clinic’s allergy rating system. It’s free from skin and respiratory irritants. Our active ingredient, hypochlorous acid, is also used by dermatologists to help heal and protect skin from irritation and maskne!

9. Sponges

Sponges and loofahs are super, duper gross because they sit wet all day, making them the perfect environment to harbor and grow germs. Spraying them down with Force of Nature kills the bugs and you can leave them to air dry without rinsing. Still, it’s a good idea to replace sponges, loofahs, and scrubbers often and wash your washcloths in hot water between uses.

10. Handles and Doorknobs

These high-touch areas tend to be places with a higher germ populations, so give any doorknobs, cabinet hardware handles and drawer pulls a spray down with Force of Nature frequently.

A Better Disinfectant For Every Room In Your House

Now, more than ever, our focus is on keeping our families safe. Cleaning and disinfecting the most used areas of our homes frequently is a great way to fight germs and bacteria. We’re proud to offer tons of information and resources for home cleaning and disinfecting, as well as a powerful, EPA-registered disinfectant approved for use against SARS-CoV-2 that you can make on-demand in your home. Learn more about Force of Nature, here.

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