The Next Generation of Force of Nature Has Arrived!

The Next Generation of Force of Nature has arrived

It’s here! The next generation of Force of Nature has arrived and we can’t wait to share it with you. Here’s what you need to know about our grime-busting, super effective, family safe cleaner. And, because we’re not the only ones excited about it, you’ll get to hear from our beta testers, too.

Top 3 Things To Know (& Love!) About The Next Generation of Force of Nature:

1. Brand New Look + Easier to Use!

We updated Force of Nature to be a sleek new appliance that’s even easier and more intuitive to use. Our new all-in-one electrolyzer is just 1 simple piece. You no longer have to connect the electrolyzer bottle to a base or align the electrolyzer cap to a base.  With our streamlined design, you just fill the Electrolyzer with water, plug it in and push the start button. We think the new generation of Force of Nature looks pretty snazzy on our countertops – and we’re not alone! Here’s what our beta testers thought of our new look and simplified design:

“I really like the new look of the electrolyzer, I used to keep my other one under the cabinet, but I like the way this one looks on the counter!”

“I like that it is a compact, all-in-one unit – sleek and tidy looking.”

“I like the easier instructions, the capless electrolyzer system (pours with less mess, looks better on the kitchen counter when it’s left plugged in), and of course I love how it cleans so well and makes it easier (and faster) for me to clean.”

“Less pieces, better spray bottle, simple to make, no harsh smells, cleans everything!”

“I like how easy it is to set up and I like the safe, natural ingredients.”

2. Intuitive Status Light System

We developed an intuitive light system to help you keep track of where you are in the process of making the solution as well as how long it’s been since you mixed up your last batch of Force of Nature. This way you always know when it’s time to make a new batch! And, if you don’t want the lights on all the time, you can switch them off and then switch them back on to review your status at any time! Here’s what beta testers had to say about our new status lights:

“Love the timer light!”

“I really like that the base does the countdown so you can know when to make a new batch.”

“Lights changing during solution making was mesmerizing!”

3. Here’s what’s NOT changing: our capsules!

Our new generation of Force of Nature uses the same capsules! Whew. Our conveniently portioned capsules still pack the same powerful punch of perfectly concentrated water, salt and vinegar to create the Force of Nature solution you know and love.

Learn More

At Force of Nature, we’re always improving and innovating. We’re parents with busy (and messy!) lives, so we’re proud to offer a family safe cleaner that you can feel good about using in your home and around your loved ones. Check out the next generation of Force of Nature here.

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