Tips For Disinfecting At Work

A topic most of us forget about is the germs we’re tracking back from work into the house. How do we get rid of these invisible hitchhikers? Here are our top tips for disinfecting at work. We’re here to help – if you have questions, get in touch or find more information on our Coronavirus Resources Page.

Top Tips For Protecting Yourself From Viruses At Work

Before You Leave

It sounds weird, but one of the top tips to protecting yourself from bringing germs home with you is limiting what you bring out! Anything you take with you could potentially bring home germs.

  • Limit jewelry and accessories, including bracelets, rings, and watches, and leave any optional items at home.
  • Apply your makeup and put your contacts in at home, so you don’t have to touch your face while at work.
  • One tip for clothing is to wear your personal “off-duty” clothing to work but bring your work clothes in a washable bag, along with a pair of shoes that can be easily cleaned and left at work or in your car.
  • Bring lunch in an easily-washable bag or lunch box that you can spray with Force of Nature and wash in the dishwasher. Invest in a couple of them so you can rotate – like these or these.
  • Practice proper hand hygiene, washing your hands as soon as you get to work, frequently throughout the day, and always before eating.
  • If you commute in a car with others or on public transportation, you might feel more confortable wearing a mask. This will help you remember not to touch your face in addition to protecting yourself and others.

When You Arrive At Work

You made it – now what? For many of us, this isn’t going to look like it used to, with a limited number of people on-site and reduced gatherings or interactions with each other. Here are the top tips to keep in mind:

  • Disinfect anything you use during the day with an EPA-registered disinfectant like Force of Nature. This includes:
    • Phone
    • Laptop
    • Eyewear
    • Badge/Name Tag
    • Work Phone
    • Desk
    • Office Door Handle
    • Drawer Handles
  • Wash your hands:
    • Before and after work shifts
    • Before and after work breaks
    • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
    • After using the restroom
    • Before and after eating or preparing food
    • After putting on, touching, or removing cloth face coverings
  • Consider wearing a mask at work, as well as any other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) recommended by your company.
  • Avoid eating in a communal space and disinfect your lunch space before and after eating.
  • As much as possible, avoid preparing food or beverages in a communal space.
  • Don’t take anything into the restroom with you.
  • Follow your organization’s protocols and adhere to procedures if you feel sick or suspect you have been exposed.

At The End Of The Work Day

Almost there – this isn’t easy and you are doing great!

  • Set a timer on your calendar that allows for 15 minutes for you to pack up, so you don’t rush and forget an important step.
  • Use the restroom and wash your hands before you pack up so that you don’t have to bring your belongings into the restroom.
  • One more time, disinfect your personal belongings that will be coming home with you including your phone, laptop, eyeglasses, badge or name tag, and any other work items you will need.
  • As much as possible, don’t take things home with you. Leave papers or other items at the office.
  • Disinfect your desk phone, desk, chair, light switch, doorknobs, etc, so that they’re clean for your return or if anyone else has to interact with your workspace.
  • If any items during the day may have become contaminated, place washable items in a bag that you can put in the laundry as soon as you arrive home. Spray anything that is not washable, like shoes or safety gear, with Force of Nature.
  • If possible, change back into your personal clothing and put your work clothes in your washable bag.
  • Use a pen or key to press elevator buttons or sanitize your hands after touching them.
  • Place your washable bag and any other items that may have been contaminated in the back of your car.
  • Disinfect your car door handle, steering wheel, and hands before you start driving home.
    Blast some feel-good music – you deserve it and your voice is lovely 🙂

When You Get Home

The home stretch – all you have left to do is ditch any potentially contaminated gear and you’re done for the day!

  • Take your shoes off outside your house. If you have to bring them inside, spray them with Force of Nature first, taking care to get the soles.
  • Put your work clothes in the washing machine right away.
  • Wash out your lunch containers and spray down coolers or bags with Force of Nature.
  • Spray down the bottom of your laptop bag
  • Wash your hands again (we’re sounding like a broken record here, but it’s the single best way to reduce the spread of sickness-causing germs!)
  • If possible, shower immediately after arriving home.

You did it! Give yourself a pat on the back.

Over time, these steps will become easier and easier and not just during a global pandemic. Many of these tips can come in handy during a normal cold and flu season or when there’s a stomach bug making the rounds at school. Remember, we’re here for you at Force of Nature. Our EPA-registered disinfectant kills 99.9% of germs and viruses without toxic chemicals and is perfect to use on almost any surface and around elderly people, children and babies, and furry friends, too. Plus it’s on EPA’s list N, the disinfectants approved for use against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19. And in case you’re wondering, EPA expects all products on List N to kill all strains and variants of SARS-CoV-2. We’ll get through this!

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